=== Visitors Traffic Real Time Statistics pro === Contributors: wp-buy Tags: online, Visitor, Stats, Counter, hits, visits, statistics, chart, counter, diagram, graph, traffic Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 4.9.8 Stable tag: 3.14 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Counter and statistics plugin for WordPress to display your WordPress blog statistics and traffic. Ranging from general total statistics == Description == Visitors Traffic Real Time Statistics is a Counter and statistics plugin for WordPress to display your WordPress blog statistics and traffic. Ranging from general total statistics This plugin will help you to track your visitors, browsers, operating systems, visits and much more, Track statistics for your WordPress site without depending on external services == Installation == 1. Remove the demo plugin from your plugins page 2. Download the package. 3. Extract the contents of .zip folder to wp-content/plugins/ folder or upload it using your pligins page > add new > upload 4. Activate the Plugin. 5. Go to your main menu > visitors traffic. Thanks! == Basic Features: == 1. Comprehensive overview page (Dashboard), including browser versions, country stats, hits, exclusions, referrers, searches, search words and visitors 2. Visits, see how many hits your site gets each day and each week & month 3. Visitors, see who's visiting your site 4. see how many people are viewing your site by daily and weekly and monthly staticts 5. Page tracking, see which pages are viewed most often 6. Search Engines, see search queries and redirects from popular search engines like Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Yahoo, Yandex and Baidu 7. visitors locations by Countries 8. Interactive map of visitors location 9. Automatic updates to the GeoIP database 10. Widget to provide information to your user == Changelog == = 3.14 = 1. bug fixing in IP location API = 3.13 = 1. better font type 2. adding clock for currect date and time = 3.12 = 1. bug fixing in IP forwarding = 3.11 = 1. Make charts responsive = 3.10 = 1. Give the user the ability to hide/show visitors IP's (new option in the settings page) = 3.9 = 1. EU GDPR Compatible 2. Latest search words improvements = 3.8 = 1. Fixing widgets issue = 3.7 = 1. online users bug fixing 2. Fix updater problem with new php7 = 3.6 = 1. fixing timezone calculation in minus = 3.5 = 1. Fixing settings page layout issue 2. fixing timezone issue for EU users = 3.4 = 1. Add the ability to change the timezone 2. support caching = 3.3 = 1. Fixing timezone issues = 3.2 = 1. Fix updater problem with new php7 = = 1. Google map short-code & settings = = 1. change plugin methods = = 1. bug fixing in settings = = 1. bug fixing - ajax bug = = 1. change plugin update method = = 1. Support cities and regions = = 1. Bug fixing = = 1. adding new box for today traffic index by country = = 1. date formatting 2. Bug fixing = = 1. add settings page 2. add help page = = solving issue with mobiles browsers = = 1. upgrade charts = = 1. fixing bugs = = 1. Bug fixing - Recording sub pages. Fixed by Glenn Rowe = = 1. upgrade online users to support AJAX = = 1. fixing bugs 2. change daily visits time graph to be beautiful = = 1. adding new box for geo locations 2. change styles = = 1. upgrade charts to be beautiful = = 1. upgrade graphs & charts 2. adding geoIP locations 3. fixing errors = = 1. Initial version 2. adding colors to