=== Socials Ignited === Plugin Name: Socials Ignited Plugin URI: http://www.cssigniter.com/ignite/socials-ignited/ Author URI: http://www.cssigniter.com/ Author: The CSSigniter Team Contributors: anastis, tsiger, silencerius Tags: social, widget, icons, round, square, light, dark, fontawesome Requires at least: 4.3 Tested up to: 4.8.1 Stable tag: 1.9.6 License: GPLv2 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html The Socials Ignited plugin gives you a widget, allowing you to display and link icons on your website of more than 50 social networks. == Description == Brought to you by the [CSSIgniter](http://www.cssigniter.com "Premium WordPress Themes") folks, the Socials Ignited plugin allows you to display and link icons on your website of more than 50 social networks, just by dragging a widget. There are icons for: * Facebook * Twitter * Digg * Flickr * And much, much more... (any of the [439 Font Awesome icons](http://fortawesome.github.io/Font-Awesome/icons/) actually) == Installation == 1. Upload the folder `socials-ignited/` into the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the *Plugins* menu in WordPress 3. Set your defaults from *Settings -> Socials Ignited* 4. Drag the *Socials Ignited* widget into the widget area of your choice. 5. Set the icons you want, their links and optional titles, color and size. 6. Press Save. 7. Done. For in-depth details, tips and tricks, visit [the plugin's homepage](http://www.cssigniter.com/ignite/socials-ignited/ "Socials Ignited") == Screenshots == 1. Socials Ignited options 2. Widget options 3. Actual output == Changelog == = 1.10 = * Updated font-awesome to v4.7.0 * Fixed an issue where JS would halt while in Accessibility mode. = 1.9.5 = * Updated font-awesome to v4.6.3 = 1.9.5 = * Updated font-awesome to v4.6.1 = 1.9.4 = * Updated font-awesome to v4.5.0 * Gettext domain is now changed from 'cisiw' to 'socials-ignited' for compatibility with language packs. * Removed language files en_US PO/MO * Added POT file socials-ignited.pot = 1.9.3 = * Fixed widgets to use PHP5-style constructors, in preparation for WP v4.3 and PHP 7. = 1.9.2 = * Updated font-awesome to v4.4.0 = 1.9.1 = * Fixed an issue where some installations with no widgets assigned would throw a warning. = 1.9 = * Prefixed some classes and JS functions. This fixes unexpected behavior caused in some CSSIgniter themes. * The old widget (image icons) is now unavailable for new installations. Existing installations that have the widget assigned will remain unaffected (until v2.0 where it will be completely removed). = 1.8.4 = * Added border color and border width options. = 1.8.3 = * Fixed an issue where a warning would get thrown in existing widgets due to a potentially undefined index. = 1.8.2 = * Renamed a few functions as they could cause collisions if specific themes were enabled. = 1.8.1 = * Fixed an issue where no repeating fields could be created on newly dragged widgets. = 1.8 = * Updated FontAwesome to v4.3.0 * Changed Socials_Ignited_Widget widget’s repeating fields structure from plain array to discreet, associative entries. While back-compatibility is provided, users are advised to re-save their Socials Ignited widgets. * Updated language files. = 1.7.5 = * Added ‘skype’ in the list of kses allowed protocols. Links of type skype:username?call are now possible throughout WordPress. * Fixed a stylistic issue where if WPML was enabled, an icon appeared where it shouldn’t. * Reformatted some code to be more readable. * Updated line numbers in language files. = 1.7.4 = * Made the bundled version of FontAwesome override any pre-existing ones with the handle ‘font-awesome’. Some themes provide an older version of the font and that was used instead, resulting in non-working icons. = 1.7.3 = * Updated FontAwesome to v4.2.0 = 1.7.2 = * Now all options have user-supplied default from the options page. * Optimized output of CSS rules for each widgets. This also fixes some edge cases where invalid rules would get outputted. * The default option values are now only used when creating new widgets, rather than determining the outcome of the CSS generation. = 1.7.1 = * Fixed a bug where only the generated CSS of the first Socials Ignited widget would get outputted (when multiple widgets existed). * Added a "Settings" link into the plugins' listing page. * The plugin's Upgrade Notice, if available, is now shown into the plugins listing page. = 1.7 = * Renamed *-= CI Socials Ignited =-* class from *CI_Socials_Ignited_Fontawesome* to *Socials_Ignited_Widget* . * Changed *-= CI Socials Ignited =-* HTML IDs to *socials-ignited* . * Changed *-= CI Socials Ignited =-* HTML class to *widget_socials_ignited* . = 1.6 = * Added more options to the *-= CI Socials Ignited =-* widget like background color, size, opacity. = 1.5 = * Added Font Awesome support as *-= CI Socials Ignited =-* widget. * Renamed old *-= CI Socials Ignited =-* widget to *Socials Ignited (deprecated)* * Added various deprecation messages. No functions/files have actually been marked deprecated though. = 1.4 = * Fixed an issue where the Customizer screen would not work because jquery.chained.js wasn’t loaded. * Updated jquery.chained.js to v0.9.10. * Worked around an issue where the chained dropdowns wouldn’t work before Save was pressed. * Added more round dark icons (addthis, amazon_alt, behance, soundcloud). * Improved sanitization. * Labels are now properly associated to fields. * Title now goes through the widget_title filter. * Updated language files. = 1.3 = * Added a Custom CSS option for easy customization, and in order to preserve custom styling betweet updates. * Updated language files. = 1.2.1 = * Removed some styles that caused existing instances to show up wrongly. = 1.2 = * Added 16x16 and 24x24 square icons. * Added button to reset custom order of icons. * Internationalized plugin's settings title. * Fixed an issue where a label would prompt for a "http://" on the Email field. * Added Path (path.com) icon. * Updated language files. = 1.1.2 = * Removed align attribute from img elements. * Added alt attribute to img elements. = 1.1.1 = * Fixed an issue where the URL would appear on the "Enter your URL" prompt. * Updated language files as they seemed to be empty. = 1.1 = * Fixed an issue where the icons looked huge in mobile devices. * Support for user-defined services, icons and icon sets. = 1.0 = * Initial release. == Upgrade Notice == = 1.7.2 = This version improves the use of defaults, and fixes some edge cases with the generated front-end CSS. = 1.7.1 = This version fixes a bug where only the generated CSS of the first Socials Ignited widget would get outputted (when multiple widgets existed). = 1.7 = WARNING - UPDATING FROM <= v1.6 TO >= v1.7 WILL RESULT IN YOUR FONT-BASED SOCIALS-IGNITED WIDGETS TO BE PERMANENTLY LOST. FURTHERMORE, CUSTOM STYLES APPLYING TO THE FONT-WIDGET MAY NO LONGER WORK AND WILL NEED RETARGETING. Please keep note of your widgets' settings, remove them (the widgets), and then update the plugin.