This plugin requires at least WordPress 3.0
There are 4 sections from where you can administrate each video player defined in "Manage Players" section:
From this section you can define the videos in the playlist.
VIMEO Movie ID | the vimeo movie ID. The vimeo links are of this type: For example |
Title | movie title |
Description | movie descrition |
Playlist Image | the image which appears in the playlist |
Category | each movie can belong to one category or to many categories. Just put ";" between them as a separator. As you can see in our example we've put the category " ALL CATEGORIES" at each movie This could be optional. Also, so this category could be the first one we've put a blank space before it |
From this section you can define the video player settings.
General Settings | |
Player Width | player width |
Player Height | player height |
Path to the Images XML | path to your playlist |
Path to the CSS file | path to your css file |
Auto Play | true if you want your video to autoplay, and false otherwise |
Video Display Settings: border, alpha, gloss, shadow | |
Player Screen Border | border arround the video. |
Border Color | border color (hexa). This is also the collor for the arrow buttons which appear over the movie. |
Border Transparency | border transparency. It takes values between 1-100 |
Play&Rewind Icons Color | arrow buttons triangle color (hexa) |
Gloss Transparency | gloss transparency. It takes values between 1-100 |
Shadow Transparency | shadow transparency arround the video. It takes values between 1-100 |
Controllers Color | the color of the Vimeo player. Use the hexa value but without the # |
Categories Settings | |
Show Categories Menu | if you have just one category or you just don't want to show the categories set this property to false |
Sort Categories | sort categories: true or false |
Categories Arrow Color | categories drop down arrow color (hexa) |
Square Behind Arrow Color | categories drop down square color (hexa) |
Categories Title Font OFF State | selected category OFF state font (font name) |
Categories Title Color OFF State | selected category OFF state color (hexa) |
Categories Title Size OFF State | selected category OFF state size |
Categories Title Bold OFF State | selected category OFF state bold: true or false |
Categories Title Italic OFF State | selected category OFF state italic: true or false |
Categories Title Font ON State | selected category ON state font (font name) |
Categories Title Color ON State | selected category ON state color (hexa) |
Categories Title Size ON State | selected category ON state size |
Categories Title Bold ON State | selected category ON state bold: true or false |
Categories Title Italic ON State | selected category ON state italic: true or false |
Categ Unit Background Color OFF State | regular category OFF state background color (hexa) |
Categories Regular Font OFF State | regular category OFF state font (font name) |
Categories Regular Color OFF State | regular category OFF state color (hexa) |
Categories Regular Size OFF State | regular category OFF state size |
Categories Regular Bold OFF State | regular category OFF state bold: true or false |
Categories Regular Italic OFF State | regular category OFF state italic: true or false |
Categ Unit Background Color ON State | regular category ON state background color (hexa) |
Categories Regular Font ON State | regular category ON state color (hexa) |
Categories Regular Size ON State | regular category ON state size |
Categories Regular Bold ON State | regular category ON state bold: true or false |
Categories Regular Italic ON State | regular category ON state italic: true or false |
Playlist Settings | |
Playlist Width | playlist width |
Playlist Border Dimension | playlist border dimension. Min width 17 |
Playlist Background Color | playlist background color (hexa) |
Playlist Background Transparency | playlist background transparency. It takes values between 1-100 |
Playlist Gloss Transparency | It takes values between 1-100 |
Playlist Image Frame Color OFF State | playlist image frame color, OFF state (hexa) |
Playlist Image Frame Color ON State | playlist image frame color, ON state (hexa) |
Playlist Unit Bg Color OFF State | playlist unit background color, OFF state (hexa) |
Playlist Unit Border Color OFF State | playlist unit border color, OFF state (hexa) |
Playlist Unit Bg Color ON State | playlist unit background color, ON state (hexa) |
Playlist Unit Border Color ON State | playlist unit border color, ON state (hexa) |
Playlist Shadow Left Transparency | playlist left shadow transparency. It takes values between 1-100 |
Playlist Shadow Up Transparency | playlist up shadow transparency. It takes values between 1-100 |
Scroll Color OFF State | playlist and category list scroll color - OFF state (hexa) |
Scroll Color ON State | playlist and category list scroll color - ON state (hexa) |
Google Analytics settings | |
Google Tracking On | you can insert google analytics to your site and track your videos. Each time a video is played it will be tracked. Set this to false if you are not interested in google analytics for your player |
Google Tracking Code | the google analytics code. Change it to your own code provided by Google Analytics |
Search Text style and translation | |
Show Search | true - enable search area false- disable search area |
Search Font | search text font (font name) |
Search Color | search text color (hexa) |
Search Background Color | search text background color (hexa) |
Search Size | search text size |
Search Bold | search text bold: true or false |
Search Italic | search text italic: true or false |
Search Input Text Loading Message | the message that is displayed while loading the playlist. For translation purpose we've put here the text. Change it if you consider fit another text |
Search Input Text Message | the message that is displayed after loading the playlist.. For translation purpose we've put here the text. Change it if you consider fit another text |
Also, the player has a CSS file that can be edited.
playlistTitleOFF | css class for the movie title in the playlist - OFF state |
playlistDescOFF | css class for the movie description in the playlist - OFF state |
playlistTitleON | css class for the movie title in the playlist - ON state |
playlistDescON | css class for the movie description in the playlist - ON state |
The shortcode is:
[lbg_vimeo1 settings_id='1' bgcolor='#FFFFFF']
bgcolor is the HTML background for the player
settings_id is the player ID defined in "Manage Players" section
OPTIONAL Parameters:
init_category - use it to specify a certain category to initialize the player. Ex: [lbg_vimeo1 settings_id='1' bgcolor='#FFFFFF' init_category='Action']
init_movie_number - use it to specify a certain movie within the category to initialize the player. The counting starts from 0 and it indicates the position in the playlist within a category. Ex: [lbg_vimeo1 settings_id='1' bgcolor='#FFFFFF' init_category='Action' init_movie_number='2']