This plugin requires at least WordPress 3.0
Step 1. Enter in your wordpress CMS and go to Plugins menu
Step 2. Under Plugins menu click "Add New"
Step 3. Select "Upload", choose the archive that you downloaded and hit "Install Now"
Step 4. After the plugin is installed click "Activate Plugin"
Step 5. In you page just add the shortcode: [lbg_vimeo1 settings_id='1' bgcolor='#FFFFFF']
click here for more details regarding the shortcode
css | the folder contains the .css files used by the pluging |
images | the folder contains the images used by the pluging |
js | the folder contains the .csjs files used by the pluging |
lbg_vimeo1 | the folder contains the .swf,xml,css files that the video player use. It also contains the "videos" folder where you'll upload the videos in case you use HTTP streaming |
tpl | the folder contains the template files used by the pluging |
lbg-vimeo1-player.php | the plugin itself |
From this section you can define the players.
If you need to include multiple players in your pages with different settings and playlist you can define the players and manage the settings, playlist and css styles for each one.
If you need just one player in your website, just edit the default one.
From this section you can define the videos in the playlist.
VIMEO Movie ID | the vimeo movie ID. The vimeo links are of this type: For example |
Title | movie title |
Description | movie descrition |
Playlist Image | the image which appears in the playlist |
Category | each movie can belong to one category or to many categories. Just put ";" between them as a separator. As you can see in our example we've put the category " ALL CATEGORIES" at each movie This could be optional. Also, so this category could be the first one we've put a blank space before it |
From this section you can define the video player settings.
General Settings | |
Player Width | player width |
Player Height | player height |
Path to the Images XML | path to your playlist |
Path to the CSS file | path to your css file |
Auto Play | true if you want your video to autoplay, and false otherwise |
Video Display Settings: border, alpha, gloss, shadow | |
Player Screen Border | border arround the video. |
Border Color | border color (hexa). This is also the collor for the arrow buttons which appear over the movie. |
Border Transparency | border transparency. It takes values between 1-100 |
Play&Rewind Icons Color | arrow buttons triangle color (hexa) |
Gloss Transparency | gloss transparency. It takes values between 1-100 |
Shadow Transparency | shadow transparency arround the video. It takes values between 1-100 |
Controllers Color | the color of the Vimeo player. Use the hexa value but without the # |
Categories Settings | |
Show Categories Menu | if you have just one category or you just don't want to show the categories set this property to false |
Sort Categories | sort categories: true or false |
Categories Arrow Color | categories drop down arrow color (hexa) |
Square Behind Arrow Color | categories drop down square color (hexa) |
Categories Title Font OFF State | selected category OFF state font (font name) |
Categories Title Color OFF State | selected category OFF state color (hexa) |
Categories Title Size OFF State | selected category OFF state size |
Categories Title Bold OFF State | selected category OFF state bold: true or false |
Categories Title Italic OFF State | selected category OFF state italic: true or false |
Categories Title Font ON State | selected category ON state font (font name) |
Categories Title Color ON State | selected category ON state color (hexa) |
Categories Title Size ON State | selected category ON state size |
Categories Title Bold ON State | selected category ON state bold: true or false |
Categories Title Italic ON State | selected category ON state italic: true or false |
Categ Unit Background Color OFF State | regular category OFF state background color (hexa) |
Categories Regular Font OFF State | regular category OFF state font (font name) |
Categories Regular Color OFF State | regular category OFF state color (hexa) |
Categories Regular Size OFF State | regular category OFF state size |
Categories Regular Bold OFF State | regular category OFF state bold: true or false |
Categories Regular Italic OFF State | regular category OFF state italic: true or false |
Categ Unit Background Color ON State | regular category ON state background color (hexa) |
Categories Regular Font ON State | regular category ON state color (hexa) |
Categories Regular Size ON State | regular category ON state size |
Categories Regular Bold ON State | regular category ON state bold: true or false |
Categories Regular Italic ON State | regular category ON state italic: true or false |
Playlist Settings | |
Playlist Width | playlist width |
Playlist Border Dimension | playlist border dimension. Min width 17 |
Playlist Background Color | playlist background color (hexa) |
Playlist Background Transparency | playlist background transparency. It takes values between 1-100 |
Playlist Gloss Transparency | It takes values between 1-100 |
Playlist Image Frame Color OFF State | playlist image frame color, OFF state (hexa) |
Playlist Image Frame Color ON State | playlist image frame color, ON state (hexa) |
Playlist Unit Bg Color OFF State | playlist unit background color, OFF state (hexa) |
Playlist Unit Border Color OFF State | playlist unit border color, OFF state (hexa) |
Playlist Unit Bg Color ON State | playlist unit background color, ON state (hexa) |
Playlist Unit Border Color ON State | playlist unit border color, ON state (hexa) |
Playlist Shadow Left Transparency | playlist left shadow transparency. It takes values between 1-100 |
Playlist Shadow Up Transparency | playlist up shadow transparency. It takes values between 1-100 |
Scroll Color OFF State | playlist and category list scroll color - OFF state (hexa) |
Scroll Color ON State | playlist and category list scroll color - ON state (hexa) |
Google Analytics settings | |
Google Tracking On | you can insert google analytics to your site and track your videos. Each time a video is played it will be tracked. Set this to false if you are not interested in google analytics for your player |
Google Tracking Code | the google analytics code. Change it to your own code provided by Google Analytics |
Search Text style and translation | |
Show Search | true - enable search area false- disable search area |
Search Font | search text font (font name) |
Search Color | search text color (hexa) |
Search Background Color | search text background color (hexa) |
Search Size | search text size |
Search Bold | search text bold: true or false |
Search Italic | search text italic: true or false |
Search Input Text Loading Message | the message that is displayed while loading the playlist. For translation purpose we've put here the text. Change it if you consider fit another text |
Search Input Text Message | the message that is displayed after loading the playlist.. For translation purpose we've put here the text. Change it if you consider fit another text |
Also, the player has a CSS file that can be edited.
playlistTitleOFF | css class for the movie title in the playlist - OFF state |
playlistDescOFF | css class for the movie description in the playlist - OFF state |
playlistTitleON | css class for the movie title in the playlist - ON state |
playlistDescON | css class for the movie description in the playlist - ON state |
The shortcode is:
[lbg_vimeo1 settings_id='1' bgcolor='#FFFFFF']
bgcolor is the HTML background for the player
settings_id is the player ID defined in "Manage Players" section
OPTIONAL Parameters:
init_category - use it to specify a certain category to initialize the player. Ex: [lbg_vimeo1 settings_id='1' bgcolor='#FFFFFF' init_category='Action']
init_movie_number - use it to specify a certain movie within the category to initialize the player. The counting starts from 0 and it indicates the position in the playlist within a category. Ex: [lbg_vimeo1 settings_id='1' bgcolor='#FFFFFF' init_category='Action' init_movie_number='2']